Public Space With A Roof currently / upcoming / recently Reforms Kristina Kersa installation, DV, four screens, two parts, 29 min and 22 min, colour & b/w, stereo, 2004 opening: Thursday May 12th 7 pm until May 22nd Zhukov's Medal Land I tend to see the construction of identities in the course of major historical changes as a pursuit of persistent self and the restitution of ideal identity. Reforms is a compilations of the fragmentated stories in which I made an attempt to reveal the complexity of personal, cultural and ethnical otherness. It is at the same time about tragedy, melancholy and disillusion involved in the transformation and emotional stagnation of identities caused by displacement, globalization and the government. Zhukov's Medal is about the veterans of the 2nd WW in contemporary Estonia. Land deals with the Land Reform in Estonia after the regaining of the independence from the Soviet Union. Both subjects are used as sketches, which are showing the factual situation in contemporary Estonia. But they are also giving an insight into the difference of mentality and especially the psychological landscape that defines the limits and forms of what can be said, remembered, re-activated and appropriated. My concern is not primarily with what people say, or whether or not their arguments are correct the interviews, voice-over's and chosen situations give away a more emotional state of mind than the factual information. Fragments from the interview with Ingrid Rüütel - the wife of the Estonian president, who comments on both subjects, are linking the two parts as well as the Estonian film archive material I used to illustrate and abstract the subjects. Reforms is also about the gain and the loss of our perception of the selves as we thought we were. Around Vondel Lake (30 min) Harmen De Hoop, Anne de Vries, Tobias Löffler, Bernd Trasberger Curated by Inga Zimprich Opening Saturday 16th at 7 pm April 17th until May 1st Head west of the cottage toward Laax. Turn right off the main road, and approach the lake via the forest trail. On your left, you'll find Prau Pulte meadow, an oasis of verdant seclusion. Ten minutes further on, you reach a small pond surrounded by wooded hills - weather and hour shape the scene from melancholic to playful at a stroke. In this capricious atmosphere, cheerful tunes spring to mind (see Tobias Löffler). Go back along the stone staircase, over the hillock and approach the hotel. Inside the Chalet, the ceramic craftsmanship of artist Bernd Trasberger welcomes you with the reassuringly cozy spirit of seventies aesthetics. From the patio, enjoy the sublime view of Mount Everest's misty peak. The interventions in nature by artist Harmen de Hoop take the visitor b y surprise. Located at the summit, the statue by Anne de Vries evokes the long struggle between men and the powers of nature. Prepare well for excursions Around Vondel Lake: make weather gear an essential part of the explorer¹s equipment. The attentive will find surprise, enjoyment and moments to rest in one of the area¹s most beautiful reservoirs. The group exhibition Around Vondel Lake (30 min) features four views on landscape, attempts to sample the recognized and to scale the immeasurable. Shrinking Cities a cultural perspective on 4 case studies Elke Beyer and Anke Hagemann (Berlin) lecture Friday, February 25th, 7 pm The dramatic development in eastern Germany since 1989, which has led to more than a million empty apartments, has proven to be no exception, but a general pattern of our civilization. Shrunken cities contradict paradigms of growth, familiar since the Industrial Revolution, and spur a consideration of our traditional ideas and perceptions of the city. The drastic changes in cities caused by decline thus present not only an economic and social, but also cultural challenge. Shrinking Cities, a three-year initiative project of Germans Federal Cultural Foundation, places developments in eastern Germany in an international context, involving artistic, planning and research disciplines in the analysis and documentation of four case studies - Detroit, Manchester / Liverpool, Ivanovo (Russia) and Halle / Leipzig. Urban Scan Albrecht Schaefer et al. (Berlin) exhibition until March 6th video installation with 4 monitors Urban Scan gives a direct visual impression of shrinking urban space in Detroit, Ivanovo, Manchester / Liverpool and Halle / Leipzig. The films are shot from a car, stationary or moving slowly, with two cameras attached to the car's side at right angles to the direction of travel. Intervening the Urban Void Research project on interventions in the city November 2004 - February 2005 curated and organized by Tamuna Chabashvili, Adi Hollander and Inga Zimprich Decription The first research project conducted by Public Space With A Roof was dedicated to urban spaces and investigated their function, usage and accessibility. In work presentations, installations and lectures by artists, architects, theorists, street-artists and composers we questioned, which potentials of the public space could be revitalized through artistic practices. The research project was clustered in four thematic focuses: Architecture As Analyses, Psychogeographic Data, Dialogue / Critical Practice and Urban Articulation Evaluation The team of Public Space With A Roof is evaluating the research project, which will lead to a public evaluation scheduled for April 10th, and will result in a publication expected in September 2005. Project Architecture As Analyses Opening Sat. 13. November 2004, 7pm Work-presentations Sunday 14. November 2004 4 pm AnArchitektur, architecture collective, Berlin AnArchitektur is a magazine published twice a year, in which architecture is understood as a tool for reflection on the implications of built environment. Andreas Mueller will speaks about the current border-project in Poland / Belarus, investigating the new outside borders of the expanded European Union, which is about to turn into a new migration route; and will introduce AnArchitektur's method of mapping and cartography with examples of their projects. Alon Levin is a graphic designer living and working in Amsterdam. Though trained as a graphic designer, even when commissioned, he uses his role that could be regarded as a "parasite" with a self-reflective attitude, sometime cynical towards existing systems. He will show and talk over various projects as the questionnaire "The average pie" for the graphic design as analyses and intervention in space. Nilguen Serbest, architecture student, TU Berlin Inspired by the thought of a "Mitfahrzentrale", where a person places an add to be taken somewhere by someone who is going there anyways and has an empty seat in the car, Nilguen Serbest will develop a web-based structure, which will assist the sharing of knowledge and information on issues as financing, self organization, positioning of ones work and the search for collaborators. In Intervening the Urban Void, she will start her swap-project in the physical realm of the project-space. [Project not realized] Malkit Shoshan, Architect, Israel. Both the past and the future can be constructed or destroyed, literally, through what we chose to build, protect and create in the physical world. No more so than in the Middle East, where the Israeli and Palestinian conflict is acted out through the architecture and physical planning on the land. Behind the seemingly down to earth work of Israeli spatial planners lies a reality, which is actively reshaping the land into divided state. While for Israeli towns and villages a future is constructed, the so-called "unrecognized Arab villages" remain blank areas on planners drawings, or are literally wiped off the map. A territorial battle is now being fought with the spatial planners tools. She founded F.A.S.T., foundation for achieving seamless Territory by challenging the ethnocratic planning system in Israel. 8 pm Discussion 9pm Screening La Notte (Italy, 1960) by Michelangelo Antonioni in the cinema of OT 301 Work-presentations Sunday 21. November 2004, 4 pm 2012 Architekten Usually the architects materials for building a house are chosen from a catalog of the producing industry. And specific demands sometimes even lead to the industrial production of new materials. Designing and building with available waste-materials requires an innovative and fundamental different design approach. What is in the area? What is cheap, available en masse and near by? These questions bring about unforeseen design solutions. The result can be compared with traditional regional houses. They were red because the locally found clay was red. But it doesnt need to look that plain. Recyclicity is an attempt to reverse architectonic concepts towards a more economic way of building that saves energy, transportation and costs and recycles useful resources. Buro MA.AN Brings art, architecture and urban planning together. Martijn Boelhouwers and André van der Eijk offer solutions for art in public spaces, giving legal and architectonical advice, developing public art-works and exhibitions. Aside of these applied works, Buro MA.AN has become specialist on the laws and limitations in public space. Inspired by an idealistic view on society, they develop City Manuals, which research the spatial, cultural and social implications of regulations in society and their representation in public spaces. The city manuals list and comment the (im)possibilities of city-life. Buro MA.AN will speak about their experience with regulated public spaces on Sunday, 21st of Psychogeographic Data Sunday, 28 November 2004, 4 pm Wilfried Hou Je Bek, Socialfiction, psychogeographer, Utrecht, NL Wilfried Hou Je Bek developed walking algorithms, such as "1st street left, 2nd street right, 2nd street left" which are applicable in every urban environment and turn walking people into data-collecting computers. With the Psychogeographical MarkUp Language (PML) places can be characterized as closed, empty, distinct, at ease or lively. The processed data can "take the fingerprint of a city" and generate "a new mythology for urban space". Wilfried Hou Je Bek is one of the engineering brains of a new Flaneur Culture. Inga Zimprich, Congress, artist, Amsterdam / Berlin By using a combination of ciphers and stripes, complex information can be coded. In a thirteen-digit bar code all worldwide products can be classified. In EAN 13 daycode Inga Zimprich has adapted this system to code new situations that are livable in every European city. Based on a generic archive of places, activities, equipment and movements, new situations can be programmed and experienced. Inga Zimprich will live curated days in Amsterdam during this project. On Sunday, November 28th at 5 pm she will speak about the subjective attachment to places and the day coding system. Boaz Bar Adon, architect, Israel I want to make the city a personal place for people who live in it. The idea is to take a route based on personal places of an existing person living in the city, and give this route back to the city, the area, in a physical way, and there after to give other people the chance to "follow" this person, experience the city trough his perspective and there for undergo a new city experience. Boaz Bar Adon is looking for 21st century adventurers, willing to explore the city in search for the personal experience. He will introduce his work on Sunday 28th 6 pm and will invite the audience to follow his route during this week, Saturday, 4th of December. Pieterjan Ginckels, civil engineer-architect, Belgium Pieterjan Ginckels gently attacks the whole city during the projects period with small daily interventions, house-by-house, car-by-car, until at the end, he will have perforated the city systematically in his own way. The notes and comments that he spreads contain pasta-recipes and compliments for beautifully parked cars. The little handwritten flyers are carriers for personal attention, but catch the receiver by surprise in their daily rhythms. Pieterjan Ginckels presents his work "you + me = you [i am not a lot]" on Sunday 28th of November at 7 pm. Workshop By Wilfried Hou Je Bek Friday, 3 December 3 pm Programming for Cities is a workshop that reinforces a long existing link between code and architecture. Many fine buildings can be reduced to a few lines of code, and a quick glance backward in time shows that this is a deliberate consequence of architectural theory. This workshop will start with a broad overview of this longstanding connection between programming and architecture, as well as explain the basics of programming. The main part of the workshop will be consisting of a hand-on approach to design a city with code. Technical skills are not needed for this workshop. No Computers will be used. This workshop is ideal precisely for those people who think that programming is not for them. The workshop "Programming for Cities" will be given by Wilfried Hou Je Bek, socialfiction, who has a long history in developing computational systems without traditional hardware. A Walk by Boaz Baradon Saturday, December 4th at 12:00 The ones who want to serve as human GPSs, to explore the city in search of human signs are invited to join Boaz Bar-adon for a walk in the city. "Not to find a too quick definition for the city, it is too big, the chance to get it wrong is too great ... City: stone, concrete, asphalt, strangers, monuments, institutes. Mega metropolitans. Octopus cities. Arteries. Masses. Ant nests? What is the heart of the city? What is her soul? Why is it said over a city that it is beautiful, or that it is ugly? What is beautiful or ugly in a city? How do you get to know a city? How does a man know his own city?" Georges Perec "Species of spaces and other pieces" Lecture Saturday, 11 December 3 p.m. Michael Bull, Sociologist, Lecturer in Media and Cultural Studies, UK To Each Their Own Bubble: iPod Culture When was the last time that you had a conversation with a fellow passenger on an airplane- rather than grabbing the headphones and immersing yourself in one of the movies or music channels available to you - have you noticed that there is a level of embarrassment about speaking now - communication becomes subservient to the consuming pleasures and desires of the passenger - to be sure it is also an escape from suffering the tedium of listening to someone you arent interested in. This doesnt mean that we dont socialize, but that we socialize with only a few people and increasingly only when we want to. We increasingly use the media to accompany us on our journeys - like taking home out with you- we privatize the public spaces that we move through or inhabit. Michael Bull wrote the book Sounding out the City on the ways that individuals use personal audio devices (mainly Walkman) to transform their experience of urban space. On Saturday, December 11th at 3 p.m. he will speak about the iPod as a mean to create your own private space in public. Work presentation Tao G. Vrhovec Sambolec, composer and sound artist, Slovenia Tao G. Vrhovec Sambolec will speak about REALITY SOUNDTRACK - transforming the perception of reality by means of sound intervention The intervention took place in Amsterdam 2004. It was organized and supported by Public Space With A Roof. RS (REALITY SOUNDTRACK) is sound intervention in public spaces as post offices, passages, and shopping malls ... Sound carriers are people equipped with small radio receivers around 25 people, each one having 1 radio receiver. All these radio receivers transmit the same electronic composition, which is transmitted from a (mobile) pirate radio station, or from an existing radio station. All the participants, carriers, are walking together through parts of a city following a given score of movement. The audible result of the action is a moving cloud of sound, which is traveling through a city. Film screening Tuesday, 7 December 9 p.m. The movie series on City and Architecture is organized and curated by Manutau 'Mon Oncle' directed by Jacques Tati, France, 1958. All the films of Jacques Tati, criticize mindless modernization. Only Mon Oncle was actually a praise of the past. France was then undergoing a huge reconstruction. This film crystallizes an architectural anxiety. Not without sentimentality, and a lot of humor. Manutau will introduce Mon Oncle with a short cinema-performance. Dialogue / Critical Practice Friday, 17th of December from 7 pm Originalfassung presents Travel reports 3: Amsterdam Travelogue Saturday 18th of December from 3 pm 3 pm Discursive Picnic by UNWETTER, with guests 5 pm Mohamed Benzaouia and Kobe Matthys present the Universal Embassy in Brussels 6 pm C-CRED presents the Counter Cartography Archive including the materials collected in Amsterdam Screening Tuesday, 14th of December 9 pm Tron, by Steven Lisberger (USA 1982), organized and introduced by Manutau Originalfassungwith Heimo Lattner and Geoffrey Garrison The resident navigates within the city according to daily needs, functions and force of habit. In what way do we know a city and how can we speak about it? To whom does that city belong? Who may speak about a city at all? We would like to invite a group of people to wander and observe Amsterdam collectively and independently, searching for fragments, experiences and narratives of the city. These "guided" tours will be led by residents from Amsterdam as well as by "tourists". The walks will deal with and develop from participants practices, outlooks and from the spaces visited. For appointments with Heimo and Geoffrey, call 0611174239 or 0628128003 or mail to On Friday, 17th of November at 7 pm Geoffrey Garrison and Heimo Lattner will present the outcome of meetings and walks in Amsterdam in an audio-visual presentation. UNWETTER You are we are invited to join the DISCURSIVE PICINC at Public Space With A Roof - on the floor, on the blanket. Be a guest, be a host. IDEAS.FOOD.TALK. Bring, give, take, share: food + thought. UNWETTER is an international, Berlin based group of artists, curators, critics, theorists and activists. The most important goal of UNWETTERs work is knowledge production in and about the drastic world-changes brought about by the process of globalization. UNWETTER brings together artistic, theoretical and political practices. We operate in public space as well as in the art-context. We cooperate with local initiatives and establish temporary situations (picnics, walks, camps, etc), which connect strands of research and streams of knowledge. The DISCURSIVE PICNIC starts on Saturday, 18th of December at 3 pm Universal Embassy Universal Embassy stresses the urgent situation of "personnes sans papiers", people without papers and tries to help them out of their social isolation. In 2001 the former Somalia Embassy in Brussels has been squatted by personnes sans papiers, after Somalia had lost state-status through the severe civil war in that country. Universal Embassy brings individuals together that suffer the discrimination of not belonging to a nation. Universal Embassy announces its own diplomats and produces its own Universal passports. Mohamed Benzaouia is the first person that got a Belgium passport through the Universal Embassy and he will tell his and the Embassys story on Saturday, 18th of December at 5 pm. C.CRED [Collective CREative Dissident], Ola Stahl, Kajsa Thelin and Carl Lindh What is a network? What are the potentials and limits of the network as a mode of artistic production? What are the possibilities, problems and limits encountered when working politically as an artist in the city? C.CRED is a London-based artist collective that maps critical art-practices, initiatives and individuals in the counter/cartography project. In Intervening the Urban Void C.CRED uses a mobile workstation to organize meetings in public spaces in the city where you can discuss and exchange about questions, accompanied by music, hot wine and screenings. The meetings will be followed by journeys around the city based on sites brought up during the discussion. These meetings and journeys will then form part of our archive and the expanding counter/cartographies of the project. See details below. The MOBILE MULLED WINE COUNTER/CARTOGRAPHY BAR will take place this Wednesday at 7 pm on Jonas Daniel Meijerplein, between Waterlooplein and Hortus Botanicus, and this Thursday at 3 pm at the Rietveld Academie, Fred Roeskestraat 96. Please see separate mailing. For appointments with C.CRED call 0611174239 or 0628128003 or mail to On Saturday, 18th of December at 6 pm C.CRED will present the extended counter/cartography archive. Sunday, January 9th, 4 pm Sophia Tabatadze Sophia Tabatadze is a visual artist from Georgia, who lives and works currently in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Her works deal with the human body placed in (new) surroundings and the human being in relation to architecture. "Home" is a theme that returns in her installations, as a temporary place that exists during the building up process only and that can be left behind like a shell after it is completed. How much of the notion "home" is mental and how much physical? The relation between facade and the backside, the chaos and order in one, are the key words in her work. How far does one want to, or is able to se the other side of the coin, the other side that doesnt fall within ones own perception? How one tends to perceive the world from our standpoint only and try to fit everything we see and experience into our thinking patterns. Meanwhile, the sides change constantly and dramatically over very short periods of time, whether it concerns people, architecture or the social and political situations of countries. m7 m7 is an urban network based in Buenos Aires. m7 is the last development of the former m777 , an initial group of people trained in architecture that since its beginning in year 2000, has been developing tools and platforms for supporting networks and researching into the constitution of nowadays public space through the fields of non state urban planning, heterodox resources policies and do it yourself initiatives. As the former group was enlarged by the exchanges with people involved in other areas of thinking this posed a question on the nature of the organization, and the self improvement of the group. Deconstructing its own situation, m7 has been taking advantage of critical and even catastrophical situations and encouraging participation of civil society on topics mostly dominated by state and corporative bureaucracies The story of how m777 became m7 will be display trough the challenges and the opportunities the crisis has set up in the urban research and practice in Buenos Aires during the last years. Urban Articulation With Toyshop Collective, Swoon, Monika Vykoukal Workshop Saturday, January 15th from 12 o'clock Decorating Amsterdam With Leslie Stem, Polina Soloveichik and SWOON We need your knowledge of places that deserve some celebration. We will create different means of decoration, as in medals, certificates, and otherwise, to affix to various locations around the city, i.e. celebrating a particular lamppost with a medal around it. Later in the evening we will go on a tour to hang the made works and contributions of the open call (see below). Work presentations Sunday 16th of January from 4 pm Monika Vykoukal Monika Vykoukal has been investigating graffiti since 1998. With a background in art history, she has contributed regularly to Graphotism magazine, London, and Springerin, Vienna. She is currently assistant curator at Peacock visual arts, Aberdeen, Scotland. As a curator of street-art related exhibitions she collaborated with Banksy and other artists. Monika will outline the historical development of graffiti and present her own research on street articulation on Sunday, January 16th at 4 pm. Toyshop Collective Toyshop Collective is an originally New York-based street art group that has organized street theater performances, creates and pastes posters, stickers and drawings. In 2003 the Toyshop Collective won the first price in the competition "Evolutionary Cells, how do you actively shape your society" with their poster changes. In underground trains in New York and Berlin they replaced commercial advertisements with self-made prints and posters. Leslie Stem and Polina Soloveichik have been traveling Europe for the last six month and left their drawings and portraits in each city they visited. Toyshop will speak about their inspiration to create works for streets and the questions deriving from this practice on Sunday, January 16th at 5 pm. SWOON On my way to work I greeted a chubby lady every morning that watched me from a house corner. I went close to detect that this life size woman was cut out by hand from a large or maybe many sheets of paper, no lines of a drawing remained. Two years later, a bit washed out, the lady is still there and it still puzzles me how many hours the maker had spent on creating her, to then surrender the paper woman to the coincidences of the street. Swoon's work often causes attention for the delicacy and uniqueness with which her pieces are made. Her cutouts can be found in the streets of New York and Berlin and many other cities. SWOON will speak about the development of her work on Sunday, January 16th at 6 pm. |
Public Space With A Roof Overtoom 301 1054 HW Amsterdam The Netherlands Public Space With A Roof is open from Thursday to Sunday 3 to 7 pm Harmen De Hoop Anne de Vries Tobias Löffler Bernd Trasberger Met dank aan de Ambassade van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden, Berlijn. Thanks to Geof Garrison Shrinking Cities participants Anarchitektur Alon Levin Malkit Schoschan 2012 architecten Buro MA.AN Pieterjan Ginckels Wilfried Houjebek Inga Zimprich Boaz Bar Adon Michael Bull Tao G. Vrhovec Sambolec Unwetter C.CRED Originalfassung Universal Embassy Sophia Tabatadze Mauricio Coberlan, m7 Monika Vykoukal Toyshop Collective Swoon pictures by Tudor Bratu poster series by Alon Levin |